(1) One of the University's key stated priorities is to recruit outstanding staff who can contribute to the ACU Mission, Identity and Values and the achievement of its strategic goals. In order to facilitate the achievement of this priority, the University may provide reimbursement of travel expenses and payment of a relocation allowance for staff who have to relocate from their primary residence as a result of being appointed to a campus of Australian Catholic University. (2) The purpose of this Policy is to clarify the circumstances under which travel expenses are reimbursed and relocation allowances are payable in the context of appointment as a staff member of Australian Catholic University. (3) This Policy applies to staff members, other than casual staff members, who have to relocate from their primary residence as a result of being appointed to a campus of Australian Catholic University. The minimum appointment period is three years and the distance involved in the relocation must be in excess of 100 kilometres. (4) This Policy shall not apply where an existing staff member, at their own request and outside of the normal recruitment and selection process, is transferred to another campus of the University. (5) Normally pro rata travel expenses and relocation allowance may be payable to fixed term appointees to positions of less than three years' duration, subject to approval in accordance with the relevant University Delegations, and upon confirmation by People and Capability. (6) Additional financial assistance in excess of the standard amounts may be payable if approved in accordance with the relevant University Delegations, and upon confirmation by People and Capability. (7) Travel expenses and relocation allowances paid under this Policy will be charged to the organisational area in which the staff member is employed. (8) The approval to access and to receive reimbursement of travel and relocation expenses must be approved in accordance with Delegations of Authority Policy and Register and the terms of which will be included in the: (9) The University may reimburse actual travel expenses for the appointee and dependants up to the equivalent of one-way economy airfares over the most reasonably direct route to the appropriate campus. Travel may be made by any alternative method, class or route, but expenses incurred in excess of economy class airfare(s) by the most direct route will be the responsibility of the appointee. For appointees and dependants who elect to travel by a method of transport other than by air, actual reasonable expenses, for example petrol, meals, accommodation, will be reimbursed, providing they do not exceed the economy class air fare(s) which would have applied had economy class air travel been chosen. (10) The relocation allowance is intended to contribute to the cost of packing, transporting and insuring personal belongings and tools of trade from the appointee's primary residence, as well as the cost of temporary accommodation and the cost of leasing furniture for temporary accommodation. (11) For staff relocating from overseas, the University will contribute up to a maximum of AUD$6769, exclusive of GST, for actual expenses incurred in relocating the staff member, plus AUD$677, exclusive of GST, for each dependant. See Appendix 2 for summary of allowances. (12) For staff relocating from within Australia, the University will contribute up to a maximum of AUD$3,948, exclusive of GST, for actual expenses incurred in relocating the staff member, plus AUD$394, exclusive of GST, for each dependant. See Appendix 2 for summary of allowances. (13) The relocation allowance will be reviewed annually in line with the Consumer Price Index. (14) Prior to taking up appointment at the University, the appointee will be required to submit two quotations to the nominated supervisor for removal of personal effects. Normally the lower of the two quotations will be recommended for approval in line with the relevant Delegations, confirmed by People and Capability and notified in writing to the staff member by the nominated supervisor. Justification will need to be submitted to, and approved by People and Capability in advance for the lowest quote not to be chosen. Such approval is subject to the staff member signing the Travel and Relocation Expenses Agreement (Appendix 1) and returning it to the nominated supervisor and People and Capability. (15) Following relocation, the appointee may seek reimbursement on commencing employment at the University. (16) Prior to reimbursement of any travel expenses and relocation allowances, the staff member must enter into a written agreement to repay any amounts received under this Policy if the staff member voluntarily terminates their employment with the University during the first three years of service. The amounts to be repaid will be pro rata of the original amounts paid, based on the period by which the staff member's employment falls short of three years. Any repayment under this Policy will be deducted from amounts payable to the staff member on termination of employment with the University or, if this is not possible, will be dealt with as an overpayment. (17) Any waiver of this obligation must be approved by the Chief Operating Officer and Deputy Vice-Chancellor. (18) On commencing employment, the appointee must present original receipts and the signed Travel and Relocation Expenses Agreement to the approving officer for reimbursement. On approval, Finance and Planning will process a direct credit payment to the appointee up to the amount of the actual expenses incurred within the prescribed limits. (19) The nominated supervisor shall forward a copy of the Travel and Relocation Expenses Agreement, approval and receipts for travel and relocation expenses for inclusion on the staff member's personal file. (20) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. (21) The University will develop a process for reviewing the effectiveness of this Policy. Where applicable, the review will take account of necessary changes to other relevant University policies and procedures. Any staff member wishing to suggest improvements to this Policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability. (22) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central. (23) In this Policy, the following term is used as defined: (24) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.Travel and Relocation Expenses Policy
Section 1 - Background
Section 2 - Policy Purpose
Section 3 - Application of Policy
Section 4 - Revisions made to this Policy
Section 5 - Further Assistance
Section 6 - Definitions
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means the spouse or de facto spouse of the appointee and any child under the age of sixteen years, or twenty-one years if a full-time student at a secondary or tertiary institution.
Section 7 - Associated Information
Section 8 - Appendix 1
Travel and Relocation Expenses Agreement
Section 9 - Appendix 2
Summary table: Travel and Relocation entitlements (excludes GST)
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Major, Minor or Editorial
22 June 2018
Changes in line with reimbursement procedure, incorporation of new ACU policy template and Service Central link for further assistance.
20 September 2022
Relocation allowance amounts updated to account for CPI increases and summary table of costs added.
Updated Director, Human Resources to Chief People Officer.
20 February 2023
Updated Human Resources to People and Capability. Updated discrepancy in reimbursement amount for dependants between 3.3 and appendix 2.
By signing this Agreement I acknowledge the following:
1. I have read the Travel and Relocation Expenses Policy.
2. I have made an application for reimbursement under the Travel and Relocation Expenses Policy.
3. I agree that any travel expenses and relocation allowance which I receive under the terms of my appointment will be repayable by me if I voluntarily terminate my employment with the University during the first three (3) years of service with the University, or such lesser period of employment for which travel expenses and a relocation allowance has been
(Staff member): Date: / /
Name (please print):
Witness (please print):
Signature of witness:
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New ACU staff member
Value of one-way airline economy airfare, which may be applied to other transport modes as equivalent.
Value of one-way airline economy airfare, which may be applied to other transport modes as equivalent.
(includes costs of packing, transporting and insuring personal belongings, pet relocation, tools of trade, temporary accommodation and furniture leasing,)
$6769 (international)
$3948 (domestic)
$677 (international)
$394 (domestic)