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Professional Learning for Academic Staff Policy

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Section 1 -  Background Information

(1) Australian Catholic University is committed to a working environment where professional learning is seen as a continuous process, that enables Academic Staff to develop their skills and effectiveness in support of individual and institutional goals and priorities. It recognises the value of professional learning to achieving academic excellence, to the efficient and effective operation of the University, and to the work, career and personal goals of each individual member of the Academic Staff. 

(2) The University is committed to a culture of excellence. Professional learning supports the University’s ongoing investment and development of its staff to create and maintain a culture of excellence.

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Section 2 - Policy Statement

(3) Academic Staff will be provided with opportunities for professional learning and development consistent with the ACU Mission, Identity and Values and supportive of the strategic direction of the University. Professional learning at ACU is informed by several frameworks and standards that express the University’s expectations of staff. This ensures that professional learning undertaken by staff in consultation with their nominated supervisor directly supports organisational success and sustainability. These include:

  1. ACU Strategic Plan
  2. ACU People Plan 2022-2025
  3. Catholic Identity and Mission
  4. Code of Conduct for Staff
  5. ACU Teaching Criteria and Standards Framework
  6. Research Quality Standards
  7. Academic Performance Matrices and Evidence Framework (APME Framework)
  8. ACU Capability Development Framework (CDF)
  9. Minimum Standards for Academic Levels (MSALs)
  10. Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (Cth)
  11. ACU Service Delivery Model within the Service Excellence Framework
  12. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Employment Plan 2023 – 2026
  13. ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement including provisions in relation to Performance Excellence and Academic Career Pathways.
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Section 3 - Policy Purpose

(4) The purpose of this Policy is to assist the development of Academic Staff and thereby promote improved performance in support of the University’s goals and priorities and to outline the roles and responsibilities of Academic Staff, Supervisors and the Centre for Education and Innovation.

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Section 4 - Application of Policy

(5) This policy applies to all Academic Staff employed by the University.

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Section 5 - Responsibility for Professional Learning and Training of Academic Staff

Academic Staff

(6) The ultimate responsibility for the development of work-related skills and knowledge rests with each Academic Staff member. The effectiveness of any professional learning activity depends on the active and purposeful participation of the individuals involved. All Academic Staff are expected to support professional learning activities to maximise the benefits they bring to both the University and individual staff members.

Supervisors and Managers

(7) Academic Staff supervisors have an important role in identifying the professional learning needs of their staff. They are expected to support the overall staff development program by encouraging and facilitating participation in professional learning activities by their staff and implementing the University’s performance and development process, (the Progress Plan), for Academic Staff within their area of responsibility.

(8) Academic Staff Supervisors are also responsible for embedding the CDF and APME Framework in the day to day leadership and management of staff. This is through identifying and developing individual staff and team competencies to levels of expectations and behaviours in the CDF and APME Framework;

(9) Executive Deans, National Heads of School, State Heads of School, Deputy Heads of School and other supervisory staff are responsible for facilitating professional learning for Academic Staff in their areas of responsibility. They are also responsible for ensuring staff undertake all training and professional development required by the University including but not limited to induction training.

Centre for Education and Innovation

(10) The Centre for Education and Innovation (CEI) is responsible for the development, implementation and evaluation of the University’s Professional Learning Programs for Academic Staff aligned with the ACU Teaching Criteria and Standards Framework. Other areas of the University, for example, the Faculties, Research and Enterprise, the Academic Skills Unit, People and Capability and the Library, collaborate with the CEI in the facilitation and provision of professional learning for Academic Staff.

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Section 6 - Professional Learning Opportunities for Academic Staff

(11) University-supported initiatives to develop Academic Staff skills and effectiveness include:

  1. University-wide compulsory induction program for new staff;
  2. Professional Development Program that supports Academic Staff and incorporates the standards, behaviours and expectations aligned to the frameworks and standards listed in Section 2, Policy Statement;
  3. professional learning and training activities organised by the CEI, Research and Enterprise and other organisational units;
  4. the Research Studies Program [see the Research Study Program (RSP) for Academic Staff Policy];
  5. secondment to the CEI;
  6. secondment to other higher education institutions and professional placements related to the work of the University;
  7. support to attend conferences;
  8. financial assistance to full-time or part-time Academic Staff, who successfully complete accredited postgraduate university units/courses undertaken by coursework [see the Study Support for Staff Policy];
  9. Teaching Development Grants and Excellence in Teaching Awards;
  10. support to attend professional learning programs and seminars offered by external bodies;
  11. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural awareness training and training opportunities to support staff to apply and incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples perspectives and knowledge in their roles.
  12. the Library's information literacy training;
  13. Faculty and School professional learning activities, such as conferences, seminars, presentations and workshops;
  14. reimbursement of expenses for Academic Staff required to maintain professional registration as a condition of their position with the University [see Reimbursement of Actual Expenses Policy];
  15. encouragement for staff to join and participate actively in professional associations relevant to their specific discipline; and
  16. enabling staff to utilise Professional Pursuits Accounts to undertake externally offered professional learning and training, and to attend conferences and other scholarly activities.
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Section 7 - Revisions made to this Policy

(12) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab. 

Major, Minor or Editorial
31 Oct 2016
Integration of the Academic Performance Matrices and Evidence (APME) Framework and the Capability Development Framework (CDF)
9 July 2018
Change wording from ACU Service Matter Framework and Service Principles to Service Excellence Framework.
3 April 2019
  • Change “ACU Strategic Plan” title to “ACU Strategic Plan 2015 – 2020” as per ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2017–2021.
  • Service Central contact included for further assistance.
4 July 2022
  • References to Learning and Teaching Centre updated to Centre for Education and Innovation.
  • ACU Strategic Plan updated to new dates – 2020-2023.
20 June 2023
  • Updated Human Resources to People and Capability.
  • Updated to reflect provisions of the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025.

(13) The University may make changes to this policy from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation. In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about this policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability.

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Section 8 - Further Assistance

(14) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central.

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Section 9 - Associated Information

(15) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.