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Professional Development for Professional Staff Policy

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Section 1 - Background Information

(1) Australian Catholic University is committed to a working environment which enables staff to develop their skills and effectiveness within the University, and to promote improved performance in support of university goals and priorities.

(2) The University is committed to a culture of excellence. Professional development supports the University’s ongoing investment and development of its staff to create and maintain a culture of excellence.

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Section 2 - Policy Statement

(3) ACU will provide opportunities for Professional Staff to undertake relevant professional development consistent with the ACU Mission, Identity and Values and supportive of the strategic direction of the University. Professional development at ACU is informed by several frameworks that express the University's expectations of staff and that support staff to grow and develop This ensures that professional development undertaken by staff in consultation with their nominated supervisor supports organisational success and sustainability. These frameworks include:

  1. ACU Strategic Plan
  2. ACU People Plan 2022-2025
  3. ACU Mission, Identity and Values
  4. Code of Conduct for Staff
  5. Capability Development Framework (CDF)
  6. Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (Cth)
  7. ACU Service Delivery Model within the Service Excellence Framework
  8. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples Employment Plan; and
  9. ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement including provisions in relation to Performance Excellence.
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Section 3 - Policy Purpose

(4) The purpose of this Policy is to:

  1. define the responsibilities of managers and supervisors at all levels in relation to professional development (Section 5);
  2. define the role of People and Capability in coordinating the provision of professional development opportunities (Section 5);
  3. define the responsibility of the individual staff member (Section 5); and,
  4. describe the opportunities available for staff to pursue their professional development (Section 5).
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Section 4 - Application of Policy

(5) This Policy applies to all Professional Staff at ACU who are employed on a continuing or fixed term basis.

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Section 5 - Procedures

Responsibilities of Managers and Nominated Supervisors

(6) The University recognises the critical role that managers and nominated supervisors have in building capability and shaping culture to achieve organisational success. Managers and nominated supervisors, therefore, have an important role in:

  1. Embedding the CDF in the day to day leadership and management of staff. This is through identifying and developing individual staff and team competencies to levels of expectations and behaviours in the CDF;
  2. identifying the professional development needs of staff under their leadership and direction. This can be achieved by observing performance, undertaking formal and informal discussions with staff, analysing performance in relation to expectations and completing, with the staff member, the Professional Development Plan as part of the Progress Plan process;
  3. ensuring that staff in their area of responsibility undertake any compulsory training, including Induction training, provided by the University to meet legislative and other requirements;
  4. assessing and implementing cost-effective methods for meeting the professional development needs of staff.;
  5. arranging the provision of targeted organisational professional development programs which meet the needs of specific work units and staff members, especially on-the-job training;
  6. foreshadowing new areas of developmental need in the workplace, especially in response to change, and feeding this information into processes designed to establish organisational training needs;
  7. evaluating the outcomes of staff professional development and providing feedback to the staff they supervise in relation to their personal and professional development;
  8. ensuring equity principles are upheld in providing staff access to professional development opportunities;
  9. funding, where appropriate, the provision of professional development programs which cater specifically for the relevant needs of individual staff members or teams, and which do not fit within the programs offered by ACU providers of professional development;
  10. facilitating the transfer of, and use of skills introduced at professional development programs, by following up with staff members who attend professional development programs to assist with transfer of learning to on-the-job application;
  11. funding, from organisational unit budget, where appropriate, the travel and incidental costs associated with attendance of staff under their leadership and direction at an approved training program; and
  12. encouraging use of study support provisions so that staff may acquire relevant formal qualifications.
  13. It is the responsibility of senior managers to consider and make appropriate arrangements, including budgetary allocation, for the support of staff professional development within their organisational unit.

Responsibilities of People and Capability

(7) People and Capability staff are responsible for:

  1. developing and coordinating a Professional Development Program that support Professional Staff and incorporates the standards, behaviours and expectations aligned to the frameworks and standards listed in Section 2.
  2. the design and delivery of formal programs (in collaboration with relevant University subject matter experts) within the Professional Development Program;
  3. Collaborating with other ACU providers of professional development
  4. providing advice and guidance for managers and supervisors to identify and meet the professional development needs of staff;
  5. developing a university-wide induction program, that has shared responsibility with managers and supervisors at all levels;
  6. providing resources to support on-the-job learning and development;
  7. providing on-line learning opportunities in support of developmental needs
  8. coordinating the provision of formal leadership development programs;
  9. facilitating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural awareness training for staff, including as a component of the University's compulsory induction program for new staff;
  10. providing ongoing, specialised training opportunities which would support staff to apply and incorporate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples perspectives and knowledge in their roles.
  11. evaluating professional development programs in consultation with staff, managers and supervisors at all levels;
  12. maintaining staff professional development records in the People and Capability Information System; and
  13. ensuring equity principles are upheld in providing staff access to professional development.

Responsibilities of Staff Members

(8) Staff members are responsible for:

  1. ensuring they complete their Induction training within required time frames;
  2. understanding the University's expectations of them as to skills and capability, including the core competencies set out in the CDF;
  3. actively participating in the Progress Plan process as a means of identifying professional development needs for current and future roles. The identification of strategies to meet these needs is the joint responsibility of the staff member and the supervisor.
  4. developing and applying their knowledge and skills in the performance of their role to ensure continuous improvement and a culture of excellence. This involves actively managing their own professional and career development.

(9) The University will endeavour to assist individual staff members to achieve their developmental goals in directions which are relevant to the work of the higher education sector and ACU in particular.

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Section 6 - Professional Development Opportunities

(10) The professional development of staff is an ongoing process of potential benefit both to the University and staff. There are a number of ways in which professional development can be facilitated. These include, but are not limited to:

  1. Coaching by a subject matter expert which aims to improve the skills and performance of an individual or a team.
  2. Mentoring by an experienced person who supports a staff member's development through ongoing guidance, counsel and example.
  3. On-the-job training to assist a staff member to learn and develop knowledge and skills required to perform the requirements of their position.
  4. Training courses that address professional development needs. The development options and programs offered by the University can be accessed from the learning and development website.
  5. 'Special' work assignments that support the development of key skills.
  6. Internal transfers and secondments to other work units within ACU that provide an opportunity for a staff member to develop additional knowledge and skills which will benefit the University and staff member.
  7. External secondments to organisations outside ACU.
  8. Attendance at conferences/seminars to provide staff members with up-to-date knowledge of current trends, best practice and networking opportunities with external professional colleagues.
  9. Study support in the form of time off work to attend classes or exams, and financial assistance [see the Study Support for Staff Policy]
  10. Membership and participation in the activities of professional associations to maintain up-to-date knowledge of current trends, best practice and professional networks.
  11. Reimbursement of expenses for Professional Staff required to maintain professional registration as a condition of their position with the University [see Reimbursement of Actual Expenses Policy].
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Section 7 - Revisions made to this Policy

(11) The revision table includes revisions up until this document was migrated into the current policy platform. Any later changes will show in the Status and Details tab.

Date Major, Minor or Editorial Description
9 July 2018 Editorial Change wording of ACU Service Principles to "Service Excellence Framework".
15 April 2019 Editorial Change of name for "ACU Strategic Plan 2015 - 2020" and HEW Level 9 to 10 as per ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2017-2021.
20 June 2023 Minor Updated name of ACU Strategic Plan 2020 - 2023.
Updated to reflect provisions of the ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025.
Updated Director, Human Resources to Chief People Officer.
Updated Human Resources to People and Capability.
Updated Performance Review and Planning to Progress Plan.

(12) The University may make changes to this Policy from time to time to improve the effectiveness of its operation.  In this regard, any staff member who wishes to make any comments about the Professional Development for Professional Staff Policy may forward their suggestions to People and Capability.

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Section 8 - Further Assistance

(13) Any staff member who requires assistance in understanding this Policy should first consult their nominated supervisor who is responsible for the implementation and operation of these arrangements in their work area. Should further information or advice be required staff should visit Service Central.

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Section 9 - Associated Information

(14) For related legislation, policies, procedures and guidelines and any supporting resources please refer to the Associated Information tab.