Associated Information
This page contains links to legislation/regulations/codes of practice and Australian (AS, AS/NZS) and International Standards (ISO); associated policies, procedures, manuals and guidelines; and other resources (e.g. forms/flowcharts, websites, articles) identified as having a direct association with this document.
Policy Development and Review Policy
Australian Catholic University (Queensland) Act 2007
Australian Catholic University (Victoria) Act 1991
Australian Catholic University Act 1990 (NSW)
Delegations of Authority Policy and Register
Policy Development and Review Procedure
Records and Archive Management Policy
Records Retention and Disposal Schedule
Website Links
ACU Staff Enterprise Agreement 2022-2025
Other Electronic Publications
Brief and Implementation Plan Template (218.12 KB)
Constitution (538.43 KB)
Policy Development Resources (315.97 KB)
Policy template (201.41 KB)
Procedure template (200.25 KB)